Tinting is a popular beauty treatment that involves coloring your eyebrows or eyelashes to enhance their natural appearance. At Emoji4you Beauty Salon in London, we offer a range of tinting services that are designed to help you achieve the perfect look. However, like with any beauty treatment, there are a few dos and don’ts that you should keep in mind to ensure the best possible results. In this article, we’ll share some expert advice from our beauty professionals to help you make the most out of your tinting experience.


Dos of Tinting

Choose the Right Shade: One of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to tinting is choosing the right shade. You want to make sure that the tint color complements your skin tone and natural hair color. At Emoji4you, our beauty experts will work with you to find the perfect shade that will enhance your natural features.

Test for Allergies: It’s important to test for allergies before your tinting appointment. This can be done by applying a small amount of tint to your skin and waiting for a few minutes to see if any reactions occur. At Emoji4you, we take allergies very seriously and will always perform a patch test before your appointment to ensure your safety.

Follow Aftercare Instructions: After your tinting appointment, it’s important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your technician. This may include avoiding water for a certain amount of time or refraining from rubbing your eyes or using certain products.


Don’ts of Tinting

Overdo It: One of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to tinting is overdoing it. It’s important to remember that tinting should enhance your natural features, not completely change them. Our beauty experts at Emoji4you will always work with you to create a natural and beautiful look that complements your features.

Attempt to Tint at Home: Tinting can be a delicate process that requires the expertise of a trained professional. Attempting to tint at home can be risky and may result in less-than-desirable results. At Emoji4you, we have a team of highly trained technicians who have years of experience in tinting and will ensure that you get the best possible results.

Forget to Book a Follow-Up Appointment: Tinting typically lasts between three to six weeks, depending on the individual. It’s important to book a follow-up appointment to maintain your tinting results and ensure that your brows or lashes look their best.


At Emoji4you Beauty Salon, our team of experts is here to help you achieve the perfect tinting results. From choosing the right shade to providing aftercare instructions, we’re committed to making sure that you leave our salon feeling confident and beautiful. So why wait? Book your tinting appointment at Emoji4you today and experience the difference for yourself.